
WordPress is the most popular and most widely used Content Management System. It’s free, open-source and very easy to manage. WordPress is based on PHP and MySQL. One of its greatest advantages is its relative scalability, which is achieved with the help of corresponding plugins. At the moment there exist over 40 000 plugins that help to expand the possibilities of your blog or website. These plugins can be easily used for simple and complex tasks alike. For example, you can optimize your website for SEO with plugin analyzing the SEO-friendliness of your pages. You can even receive corresponding recommendations on what to  update in order to get the best results for SEO. All in all, it’s clear that websites or blogs created on WordPress possess multitude of options, can be expanded if needed, can boast a modern and stunning look and are easily deployed on server. Nowadays, knowledge of WordPress is crucial for designing cutting-edge and affordable website, which is why this WordPress Cheat Sheet will help you easily learn its basics!


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