Coding Tutor - MacOS application design

Coding Tutor – MacOS application design

Coding Tutor – MacOS application design

Our work on the project Coding Tutor was to create a desktop MacOS application design for application, which teaches programming language to users, who are tasked with completion of the assignments that gradually become more complex. After successful completion of every task user receives a reward and experience points. Given the nature of this application it is quite clear that the task was complex, as the app interface had to be simple enough to be user friendly шт order not to distract users from the main assignments. It also needed to be concise and modern looking to be a good fit for a application of such nature.

Before we started our work on this MacOS application design we have analyzed the market and outlined the best features that are present in every successful MacOS application design. As soon as these features were outlined we moved on to creating a detailed prototype, which was needed for the client to see the rough version of the application. Prototype allows clients to ask for adjustments and modifications on the initial stages of work, which facilitates the understanding of the overall direction of the application. As soon as it was approved by the client it was used as a basis for application development. During our work on this MacOS application design we accomplished icon design for the website, logo design and a wide row of remedial tasks.

As a result, client received a modern-looking and user-friendly desktop Mac OS application that is easy to use and provides positive user experience. Client was fully satisfied with the work that was accomplished for this project, as well as with the time frame, as he initially considered that this design will take longer time to complete. New design of this application helped our client to attract new visitors and improved the conversion rate.

DePharm – Pharmacy Portal Database Design

DePharm – Pharmacy Portal Database Design

In this project for Depharm we were tasked with creation of pharmaceutical portal database design, which allows various pharmaceutical companies to register and leave the detailed description of their company. Such portal helps businesses as well as regular people to find the information they need in one place. The primary users of the portal are pharmaceutical companies, that sell medical equipment for the production launch, therefore it was essential for the website to be user-friendly, but simultaneously concise and modern-looking.

The first phase of our work on portal database design started with analysis. In order to outline the main trends and necessary features that needed to be integrated in the portal database design, we conducted detailed market research and competitive analysis. We have scanned the website of similar nature, noting the features that were most approved of and liked by end users. Thus, after this analysis was complete we moved on to creation of the prototype. Prototype is essential for the the design creation as it allows the client and designers to agree on the main direction and strategy of the portal database design. After the client looked through the prototype and approved it – we used it as a basis for the website’s design development. Alongside with a multitude of remedial tasks that were accomplished on this project, we also accomplished logo and icon design for this project.

As a result, we created an intuitive and user-friendly website design, which generates positive UX and provides UI. It fully corresponded to the requirements of the client, who was very happy with the finished product. Since the launch of the new portal database design the conversion rate of the client’s website has increased, as did the overall visitors’ turnout. More users stayed on pages and registered than before, which was one of the goals of the new design.

ShinNori – Single page website design for Japanese Restaurant

ShinNori – Single page website design for Japanese Restaurant

ShinNori is a japan restaurant in Sweden that requested the development of turnkey business card website. Given that this project was a single page website design solution, it needed to be elegant, attention capturing and striking. Usually, users stay on the page for just a couple of seconds, therefore client needed us to make sure that our single page website design will be astonishing enough to keep visitors on the page for a sufficient time, necessary for them to decide to convert into customers.

Our work on this project started with a detailed market research and in-depth competitive analysis, which was conducted in order to determine the latest trends in single page website design for businesses of this nature. As soon as the info was collected and processed, we proceeded with the creation of website’s prototype. Prototype is necessary step in the process of the website creation as it gives the opportunity to designers and client to stipulate the direction of the project and details that need to be included in it. Prototype, created by us for this single page website was well-liked and approved by client. This prototype served as a basis for website’s design development as well as the development of its mobile version. During our work on this single page website design we have developed a website with integrated CMS (WordPress) and filled it with content. We also accomplished HTML/CSS coding and provided hosting for this project.

As a result, we created a turnkey business card website with user-friendly and intuitive interface. Design of the website fully corresponded to the client’s requirements, who wished for it to be elegant, concise and striking. Since the launch of the restaurant’s website, this single page website design has attracted numerous clients and showed the capacity to continuously increate the conversion rate.

Moiselle – Fashion Website Design

Moiselle – Fashion Website Design

Moiselle is an online store of popular Asian designer clothing. This was a turnkey project for fashion website design, developed in compliance with client’s requirements. In this instance client wanted an elegant, but multifunctional fashion website design. It had to be soothing, but appealing to visitors, capturing their attention for a time period that is enough for them to decide on buying an item.

Our work on the fashion website design started with a thorough market research and detailed competitive analysis, which was accomplished in order to determine vital features for integration in the project, as well as the overall design direction, considering the nature of this business. We have analyzed websites of the companies with similar business line, noting the positive and useful features that were the most liked by the end users. As soon as the data was collected and processed we created a prototype, which after the client’s approval became the basis for web design and mobile design development. Prototype can be considered a vital part of the creative process because it allows designers and client to discuss the main aspect of the future design and determine the direction the project must take. During our work on thisfashion website design we accomplished the following tasks: logo design, brand paraphernalia design (boxes, labels, business cards and flyers). Website was developed with integrated CMS (BigCOmmerce). We also used html/css coding in our work. Considering the fact that website was a turnkey project, we also conducted SEO analysis to outline the best keywords and phrases, which served as a basis for the website’s content that we wrote. Aside from that, we provided hosting for this project.

As a result, we developed ready-to-use online store with integrated payment systems and working CMS for content and products management.

Moto Catering – One Page Design

Moto Catering – One Page Design

Moto Catering is a turnkey business card website for Swedish catering company. The main requirements were for the website to be modern-looking, to possess intuitive UI and overall elegant design. Given the nature of this website, it had to be a truly eye-catching one page design. Its primary purpose was to make customers stay on the page and become customers, thus improving the conversion rate.

The first phase of our work on this one page design of the website started with in-depth market research and detailed competitive analysis. Our main aim was to outline the best features that are presented in the websites of the similar nature. As soon as we collected enough data and processed it we determined the essential features and client agreed with our proposal on them. After that we proceeded with the creation of the prototype. Prototyping is a vital part in the design creation process as it allows the client and designers to stipulate all the details of the future design and find common ground on the direction of the design. Information obtained in the process was used as a basis for web design and mobile design development. During our work on the project we accomplished such tasks as logo design, websites CMS development (WordPress), as well as filling website with the content. We also provided hosting for this project.

As a result, our client received ready-to-use website with integrated CMS that fully corresponded to his demands in website’s overall outlook and functionality.

Games UI & Awards

Games UI & Awards

In this project we developed UI Design elements and Icon Design for the awards in the fantasy game. In compliance with our client’s requirements, Game UI elements were to be seamlessly integrated into the overall interface. Our primary goal was to make them not only striking, but also compatible with the rest of the elements of this astonishing fantasy game. It was a relatively short term project, which is why it was accomplished quite quickly, which, nevertheless, hasn’t reflected on the quality of our work.

Before we started our work on these Game UI elements project we have analyzed the best features of the given fantasy game, in order to integrate them in the Game UI elements that we were to design. As soon as we decided on the features that were the most striking in general design we proceeded with their implementation. During our work on this project we applied our vast knowledge in the Game UI Design as well as in creation of corresponding icons, creating designs of the icons and elements, which were seamlessly integrated in the general interface and considerably improved overall UI outlook.

As a result, we created Game UI elements and icon designs that fully met the requirements of the client – they were striking and beautiful, which is very important for fantasy game. Besides that they looked as a part of the overall design.

U&ME – Mobile App Design for Messenger

U&ME – Mobile App Design for Messenger

In this project we were tasked with developing mobile app design for the messenger U&ME. Since it was a one page design, our client wanted it to be striking and memorable.

The first phase of our work on this mobile app design started with market research and competitive analysis, which was conducted to determine main features that needed to be included in the design. We have analyzed the mobile app design of the similar applications to determine the features that were the most liked by the users. We also analyzed the the icon design and illustration to crate a unique and most suitable icons and illustrations, specifically for this project. The next step was the creation of the prototype on the basis of the collected data. Prototype is essential for the design’s creation as it provides an opportunity for the designers and client to discuss the project and outline the main points that need to be integrated in the future product. As soon as it was approved by our client, we proceeded with website’s design, accomplishing such tasks as graphic design, promo design, icon design and illustrations.

As a result, we created unique, modern-looking and intuitive mobile app design for messenger that met all the criteria, set by the client. It was accomplished in one-page style with the description of all the exclusive software functions.

Cash App – Website & Control Panel Design

Cash App – Website & Control Panel Design

Cash App is a partner system for mobile app monetization. We were tasked with creating a striking business card website for this system, as well as management and administration control panel design. Client envisioned the design as memorable, bright, yet decent and elegant with multitude of useful features, integrated in it.

In order to outline the main features and functions that had to be included in the system and control panel design, we conducted thorough market research and detailed competitive analysis. We have compared various websites of the same nature of business and their control panels in order to outline the features, which are considered the most liked by end users. Upon the data reception and analysis we proceeded with creation of the prototype. Prototype is considered a vital part of the design process as it allows designers and client to discuss the backbone of the future design and stipulate all the mundane details. This prototype was approved by our client. The created prototype served as a basis for website design. During our work on the project we accomplished such tasks as icon and logo designs, UI design. We also created mobile version of the website. Mobile version significantly improves website’s reachability across multiple platforms, such as mobile devices, tablets and so on. It allows website to reach the audience that prefers to browse websites on mobile devices, thus increasing overall turnout and conversion rate.

As a result, our client received multifunctional and intuitive control panel design as well as creative and convenient website’s design, which provided positive UX. Due to the new design there increased an overall visitors’ turnout as well as the conversion rate. Client remained fully satisfied with our work on the project, which was accomplished  in tight schedule and qualitatively.

Cashalot – Cash back partner (User Interface Design)

Cashalot – Cash back partner (User Interface Design)

Cashalot is a cashback service for the online purchases. Client requested website to be styled after Pinterest with block-type system of content supply and with pleasant user interface design. User’s profile and statistics were to be accomplished in the same style. It was an unusual project, correspondingly our approach to it was also out of the box.

Our first phase of work on this project started with thorough market research and detailed competitive analysis. We have conducted it in order to determine the general trends in the design of websites of such nature and the most beloved features of user interface design in websites of the same nature of business. As soon as we received the information and analyzed it we proceeded with the creation of the website’s prototype. Prototype is a vital part of the design creation as it allows designers and client to discuss all the mundane details and elements before the project takes off from the backbone stage. After this prototype was presented to and approved by the client, we went ahead with website design development and with creation of the unusual user interface design as it was stipulated in the client’s requirements. During our work on this project we accomplished UI design, icon and logo design, graphic design as well as HTML/CSS coding.

As a result, we have built a ready-to-use unusual website with amazing user interface, which grabs the attention of visitors, increasing general turnout and conversion rate. Finished product fully corresponded to the client’s requirements, which is why our client remained fully satisfied with our work.

Ukrainian community – Community Website Design

Ukrainian community – Community Website Design

Ukrainian community is an information portal for Ukrainian community in Canada. The main purpose of the portal is searching and collecting information regarding all events, enterprises, venues, linked to Ukrainian culture and social medium. Our client requested striking and modern looking community website design with an entire row of useful features.

The first step of our work on the community website design was thorough market research and detailed competitive analysis to determine vital features that had to be integrated in the design. We studied community website design of the competitors and outlined the best featured that needed to be integrated in the design. After that we proceeded with the creation of the prototype. Prototype is essential for the design process as it allows designers and client to stipulate the details of the project on its backbone stage. The created prototype was reviewed and approved by client, which allowed us to use it as a basis for website’s design and the design of its mobile version. Mobile version of the community website design provides scalability and reachability of one’s business. During our work on the project we accomplished such tasks as icon design, letter design and HTML/CSS.