Principal chairs

Principal chairs


VIDEO SUIT – Video converter

P2P Soft

Media ZUP

TANDEM – Furniture factory

FUNN VIDEO – Video streaming portal


Time Killer Games – Entertainment Portal Turnkey Development

In this project, we were tasked with turnkey development of multifunctional entertainment portal, offering users a chance to play exiting Flash and HTML5 games. We also needed to develop and design control panel for the portal to allow intuitive content management. Another task was portal SEO optimization for its further promotion through SEO and SMM. It’s not a secret that market of flash games is overcrowded, which is why the new entertainment portal had to be absolutely stunning and highly functional. It needed to possess positive user experience, be interactive and offer intuitive navigation in order to keep visitors engaged. Client had an idea of the portal’s design, which was flawlessly implemented by us.
Before we proceeded with project development, we have conducted a thorough market research and competitive analysis in order to outline unique features of the future entertainment portal that needed to be stressed. Apart from that, the research helped us to identify the most popular trends in this segment of the market as well as determine which framework had to be used for this entertainment portal. We chose to go with laravel framework as it suited our needs the best.
During our work on this project, we have accomplished such services as website design, coding, SEO and Market Research. We managed to create a very convenient control panel that allowed admins to easily make modifications and updates. We have also integrated SEO, which greatly facilitated work on website’s promotion.
The cornerstone of our work process is feedback from our clients, which is why we have asked our client to provide his feedback after each milestone we have accomplished. The received feedback helped us to shape the notion of the client’s idea in our head and implement it accordingly. As a result, we have created a stunning and multifunctional entertainment portal, where people can play and upload Flash and HTML5 games.

Website Redesign for Hybrid Security – Сyber Software Company

Website Redesign for “Hybrid Security” – Сyber Software Company that develops Web Fraud Detection solutions.

Given that the field of cyber security is quite crowded at the moment, there is a fair amount of companies, working in it. Our client wanted to redesign his existing website to make it more up-to-date and appealing for the public as well as to implement the new design on Drupal. The original design of the page was already obsolete and did not attract the needed attention of potential customers. We offered to accomplish the redesign in flat style, which is currently considered one of the best for creation of positive user experience.

We started our work on website redesign by accomplishing a thorough market research and competitive analysis to outline the most popular and well-liked trends among the target audience. The conducted analysis allowed us to choose the best functionality and general outlook of the website. In our work on this project we used icon design, graphic design, corresponding illustrations on 3 sliders that were completely redesigned, logo design and text composition (HTML/CSS).

After we finished website redesign, we proceeded with its implementation on Drupal. This CMS was chosen due to the wide row of possibilities that are absent in other CMS, such as WordPress. Website’s implementation on Drupal went as planned and our client was able to look through the pages in no time.

We consider feedback one of the most important aspects of our work process, which is why we have asked our client to provide it as frequently as possible. Thus, because of the meticulous work of our talented web designers and illustrators, and directions that were provided by detailed feedback of our client, we have created the design our client envisioned: clean, transparent and at the same time technologically advanced and appealing. New design provides positive user experience and is highly functional. Client remained completely satisfied with our work on the project as he received exactly the redesign he wanted.