Sometimes you just need some time to forget about all the stress that web design and web development can put on you. You need to relax …and what can be better for this purpose than engaging and beautiful interactive web toys . Today, we present five of them, handpicked by our team. Hope you’ll enjoy them as much as we did!

1) Silk

Silk is an amazingly beautiful interactive web toy that allows you to draw various patterns, while listening to the music. Due to the fact that you have two drawing points simultaneously, your creations are perfectly mirrored and consist of the stunning clouds of light blue shades. However, in case you want to change color in order to update your design – you can do so by using the controls to the left.

2) ToneMatrix

If you love music and interactive web design, this toy will definitely become your favorite. Just click on squares and create your own music patterns. Elegant interface, engaging idea and flawless execution – this web toy truly is amazing!

If you love music and interactive web design, this toy will definitely become your favorite. Just click on squares and create your own music patterns. Elegant interface, engaging idea and flawless execution – this web toy truly is amazing!

3) Touch Effects

Do you like sci-fi or space exploration animations? If the answer is “Yes”, this web toy is right up your valley! Change colors and physical characteristics of the particles and enjoy the colorful show of dancing dots.

4) Star field

Have you ever imagined yourself in a spaceship, on your way to conquering new world at a warp speed? You bet you have. Well, now you can imagine what it would have been like! “Star field” allows you to change direction of your flight, turning left, right up and down.

5) This is Sand

We all loved to build sand castles when we were kids, however you need wet sand for that purpose. “This is Sand” is an amazing interactive web toy that allows you to build anything out of sand in a jar. Just click “C” and change colors to make your creation even more colorful.

6) Many Lines

Many lines

Just imagine if you have had lots and lots of pens that you could have used simultaneously – it would have been amazing! Well, not you have such an amazing opportunity! Web toy “Many Lines” offers you a chance to create unusual and unique patterns just by moving your cursor. How cool is that!?

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