Reasons for a new web design. When is the right time to consider a website redesign? There is no defined time for it. As your business’s main marketing and PR tool in the online realm, the website must have special vibes to help you convert those visitors into prospects.

It is known that trends come and go, some appeal more to users than others. To keep your competitive allure high it is advised to implement the trends that identify with your business mission.

Does your website deliver results? Is it responsive? Is the information on your site up-to-date? Does the website have an attractive look?

If the answer to these questions is no you might start considering a redesigning of the website. However, don’t just jump into the task. Website redesign is a big project and it needs thorough planning to achieve the expected success.

Website redesign plan

Start the website redesign project by developing a detailed and clear plan that will help you identify the aspects that must be addressed. This plan will allow you to keep track of the project’s progress and costs.

To better understand what it needs to be redesigned and to be able to answer to the visitors’ expectations, here are the major steps that must be included in the website redesign plan.

  • Collect feedback from visitors. Your business website was designed and developed to acquire new customers. All visitors come to the site with a purpose: to find the information they need and to get answers to their questions.

As people that have no direct relation to the website, visitors’ insight is valuable and can contribute to designing a user-friendly experience. They can point to the website features that get them confused and reduce usability.

  • Collect feedback from professionals. Visitors’ insight is valuable, but professionals that are familiar with the web design industry and techniques are those who can identify major flaws. They can offer you recommendations and solutions that will respond to your website’s needs.

Although visitors are good at pointing out problems, trained professionals can provide solutions for navigation, layout, white space and other website elements. Once you have feedback from your site’s visitors and professionals, you can compile a list of recommendations and tasks that need to be treated and handled.

  • Draft a specification document. Include all recommendations in the specification document, providing detailed description for each task. Based on the description of each task, you can start working on implementing the website redesign plan. This document will serve as an action plan, with phases and tasks to be completed within defined time frames.

Once a project plan is in place, you can start working on the redesign of the website.

Reasons to consider website redesign

If you have the feeling that the site does not perform as it used to, consider giving it a makeover. Redesign doesn’t mean changing every single element of the site. It means that you change its functionality and give it a new look and feel that adheres to current web design trends.  While you may not consider a must for you now, here are 5 reasons you should put your redesign plan in action.

#1 Your website design looks out of date and obsolete

A Standford study about web credibility shows that 75% of users form an opinion about a business credibility based on its website look. It is also known that technology changes faster than we can keep up. Therefore, if you built your website 5 years ago, you should consider a redesign.

The website is the first impression that the business makes on potential customers and partners. If you want to retain customers and to gain new ones, a facelift might be just exactly what your site needs, because appearance matters.

Read this: How Long it Takes to Build a Website.

#2 Your website is not mobile-friendly

Gone are the days when we were surfing the internet from our desktops only. Nowadays there is a wide range of mobile devices, such as tablets, smartphones and laptops that allow us to go online whenever we want, regardless of the place we are. According to statistics more than 17% of all web traffic comes from mobile devices.

Therefore, if you want to reach a larger audience that is represented by mobile users, turning your website into a mobile-friendly tool is a must. Responsive websites easily adapt to all device sizes, enhance SEO and ensure a user-friendly navigation experience.

#3 Your website does not incorporate social media

Back in the days we used to hang out with our friends in the courtyard or on a stadium. Now, all we need is to turn our computer on, go on a social networking site and message, tweet or write something on our social site wall. Social networking sites are a big deal, housing a large community of people who spend their free time there.

Their most common activity is sharing. If your content is interesting for them they will share it. To make it easier, you need to incorporate social sharing tools on your site. Also, if you want to connect with other users, add links to your social media accounts.

#4 Your website lacks SEO strategy

Search engine optimization is a key component in getting Google ranked and boosting visibility. Don’t underestimate the power of SEO when it comes to website performance. A well-thought and correctly implemented online marketing strategy can get you on top page of search results, which means that there is a higher likelihood of people to go to your website. More clicks – more potential customers.

#5 Your website requires new features

Adding new features to the site will increase user engagement. A blog, with fresh content published regularly, sign in options to allow users to leave comments, readable typography and other elements will make your users interested in staying more on your website and exploring it.

Read What Makes a Good Web Design: 8 Essential Elements which will give you a deeper insight into the features you should consider incorporating when redesigning your current website to make it more successful.

The flowchart below summarizes the information we presented in our blog post.

Reasons for Website Redesign


Redesigning your website is a great choice when done right. To help you reach the success you expect plan ahead every step, research a lot and hire a professional web design agency that will advise you on the matters that need to be cared of. Think of website redesign as an investment in generating incredible ROI.

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