5MP3 - Amazing Music Community & Store

5MP3 – Amazing Music Community & Store

5MP3 – Amazing Music Community & Store

5mp3 is a turnkey musics portal design with integrated music store, search system and options to listen to the music via radio and audio players.

Our company created a prototype for the website and developed musics portal website’s design as well as mobile version of site’s design. We also developed browser and mobile versions of musics portal design. Before we started the development itself, we conducted market research and competitive analysis, outlining the direction of the portal design. In order for the project to be successful on the market, we also developed and tested business models. In our work we used icon design, graphic design, corresponding illustrations, logo design and text composition (HTML\CSS). Taking into account, that this was a turnkey project we also filled the musics portal design with content and drew up legal documents. In order to promote this musical portal, we’ve accomplished full SEO analysis outlining the most important keywords and including them in the content. We also provide hosting for this website.

As a result, we have built a portal that reflects news about the world of music depending on the user’s location. It allows users to buy tickets for any musical events, depending on their location. Portal has an integrated user profile for music storage, playlists, news, video and favorite radio stations. Our client was extremely happy with the results of our work. This musics portal design is capable of attracting multitude of users, increasing the conversion rate and correspondingly owner’s profits.


GT Player – Music Application

GT Player – Music Application

GT Player is a music application – music player, developed for Windows. In this instance our client wanted a modern and multifunctional music application that will correspond to the demands of the young generation, as well all other groups of users. Thus, we were tasked not only with creating visually pleasing music application, but also one that accommodates a lot of functions.

Our work on this music application was accomplished in compliance with tight schedule, per request of the client. First of all, we conducted thorough market research and competitive analysis to determine vital features that had to be included in the application. We also accomplished UX analysis in order to create positive UX for future users. After that part of work was done, we have created a prototype which was looked at and approved by the client. Further on we went ahead with the development of the music application design, in which we used animation, icon design, logo development and HTML coding.

As a result, we have built modern and multifunctional music application – audio player that allows users to download and search for their favorite music as well as listen to the radio. Using this desktop application, the end users can create playlists of their favorite tracks. This application also scans social networks to provide users with new and modern music tracks, allowing them to stay in touch with new music tendencies. Client was fully satisfied with the finished product, as we have accomplished all his requirements by creating dynamic and multifunctional music application.

Dezayo – SAAS Order Form

Dezayo – SAAS Order Form

In this project our task was to create a complex SAAS solution for designers – SAAS order form. We were to develop a convenient service for designers and a form for quick and easy composing of product requirements documents. It was an interesting project, which was accomplished quickly and to much satisfaction of the client.

First of all, we conducted market research, competitive analysis and UX analysis to determine the direction of the project and essential features that had to be integrated in the solution. We analyzed similar projects of the competitors, outlining vital features and creating new ones to meet the ever developing demands of new generations. After that we proceeded with creating a clear and detailed prototype. As soon as client got acquainted with and approved of the creative prototype that we provided him with, we went ahead with working on website’s design. During our work on the project we accomplished a wide row of tasks, such as work with infographics, mail templates’ design, SaaS UI design, buttons’ design, icons’ design, logo design and HTML coding. We also created a video presentation of the project, where its essence was presented in details.

As a result, we developed a convenient solution for designers, which has positive UX and intuitive user interface. Our client remained very satisfied with our solution that was up to his standards and included all the features that he wanted SAAS order form to possess.

Gambody – 3D Prints Store

Gambody – 3D Prints Store

For this project our goal was to accomplish a turnkey website development for a startup -3D Prints Store. Client wanted a marketplace for selling 3D models for 3D printers. This website was developed as a marketplace for 3D designers and people who want to purchase 3D models for printing.

We started working on the project by conducting a market research and competitive analysis in order to outline main features that had to be integrated. After researching was complete we moved on to the prototyping phase, creating a draft version of the future marketplace. Considering the fact, that it was a turnkey project we also accomplished an SEO analysis, outlining main keywords to be used in website content for the project promotion. We also drew up legal documentation for the project. While working on the application’s design we made sure that it is intuitive and provides positive user experience. During our work on the project we accomplished such tasks as: logo design, icon design, 3D design, pamphlet design for promotion of this marketplace, graphic design, illustrations, software development for Windows and HTML\CSS coding. Due to the fact that it was a turnkey solution, we also accomplished video and business presentation design. Project is also hosted by us.

As a result, we created a modern and convenient 3D marketplace where 3D designers can create an advanced profile for themselves. Designers can upload and sell their work for a good price. The design of this desktop application is optimized for working with printer and cloud solutions, which are storing the files.

HostZealot – SAAS for Hosting Company

HostZealot – SAAS for Hosting Company

Hosting company requested a design of the control panel, used by the user. It had to be intuitive and user-friendly. It was a complex SAAS for Hosting Company that had to be accomplished quickly and efficiently, as the client wanted to launch the project as soon as possible.

First of all, we accomplished a market research, competitive analysis and UX analysis in order to determine vital features that needed to be in the future design. We analyzed website design of competitors and managed to outline the most sought after and useful features in the design that were implemented in this SAAS for hosting Company project. As soon as the results were in, we proceeded with creating a prototype, which was approved by the client. Prototype is a vital part in the design process as it allows the client and designers to talk through all the important issues at the beginning of the project. Client has approved the prototype, created by us. Using the prototype as a base, we created a landing page and control panel design, also implementing icon and logo designs for the project.

As a result, we developed the design of multi-layered interactive management panel for hosting, servers, domains and virtual servers (VPS) control, alongside with customer support section and payment page. We also designed landing pages for promotions, which considerably increased potential clients’ turnout and overall conversion rate.

Forever Missed – Social network design for Memorial Website

Social network design for Memorial Website Forever Missed 

Client ordered a full social network design for a website, dedicated to immortalizing the memory of the loved ones that past away. Naturally the outlook of this social network design had to be calm and pleasing, styled in pastel shades. Main condition of the client was that redesign of this social network had to be smooth, without implementation of any radical changes. Client wanted to keep all the functions of the website, but make it scalable and reachable across different platforms, so that it would work perfectly on various devices, such as mobile phones, tablets and so on.

We started our work on this project by conducting a thorough market research, detailed competitive analysis and UX analysis in order to determine main features and new popular trends in social networks of such nature. We have outline main featured that end users would definitely use and prefer to see in a social network of this kind, as well as discovered the color palette, which suited the most a social network of such delicate nature. After that we have accomplished full website redesign, based on our competitive analysis and UX analysis, updating icons of this social network design, changing banner design and letter form design, so that will be much more convenient to use.

As a result of our detailed work that has been accomplished rather quickly, we have created turnkey social network design, which completely satisfied all of our client’s requirement. The new social network design made it easier and more convenient for the end users to leave messages about their loved ones that passed away, as well as creating their profiles. Soothing color palette and overall design provide positive user experience, while scalability allows users to access the website from anywhere, using any device they have in their possession.

Easy Morph – Windows Application

Easy Morph – Windows Application

In this project we were tasked with creation of business card website and convenient windows application for a desktop spreadsheet. Our client stressed his desire to have a stylish and intuitive windows application design with well-defined functionality.

In this instance we had to develop full desktop application design for Windows as well as a lightweight version of the app. We started our work on the project with detailed market research, thorough competitive analysis and in-depth UX analysis in order to determine the most useful and popular features on the market that had to be included in the application. We managed to outline the most important ones, that suited the nature of this website the best. After that we’ve created a detailed prototype, which was shown to and approved by the client. Client’s approval of the prototype allowed us to proceed with the windows application design itself, as well as with the design of the website. During our work on the project we implemented such tasks as: animation, icon design for this windows application, illustration, logo design, banner design and HTML\CSS coding.

As a result, we created an intuitive and convenient desktop spreadsheet application as well as business card website for it that fully corresponded to the client’s requirements: it was stylish, modern-looking, user-friendly and easy to navigate. Widows application also has intuitive design with positive user experience, it it convenient, cutting edge and easy to use.

Art Story – Web Portal Design of Modern Art Wiki

Art Story – Web Portal Design of Modern Art Wiki 

This project was a redesign of a huge information and cultural portal, dedicated to world’s history of art and authors, who promoted it. It’s hard to overestimate the importance of art in our life, which is why client waned this web portal design to be striking, stylish and informative for users to feel themselves free to browse, study, leave feedback and subscribe.

Work on this project started with thorough market research, detailed competitive analysis and UX analysis, which was conducted to outline main trends on the market, features that are in highest demand and well-liked by end users. After the data was collected and analyzed, we outlined the main features and proceeded with web portal design development as well as the development of its mobile version, given that scalability is a must in the modern world, as it considerably expands the reach of your business allows users to view website from any device be it smartphone, tablet, netbook, notebook or PC. During our work on the project we designed e-mail templates, created necessary illustrations, accomplished icon and logo designs, as well as the design of social profiles and implemented HTML\CSS coding.

As a result, we have created an intuitive and convenient web portal design, containing detailed and interactive information regarding art styles and authors. We also created a mobile version of the site, which contains all the necessary features, to make it available to a wider audience that prefers browsing net on their mobile devices.

TUA – Video Portal Design

TUA – Video portal design

Tua.tv is a video portal design of online TV and movies streaming. It is a huge movie portal, where every user can watch his favorite Ukrainian, Russian or Belarusian TV channels from any corner of the world. This project of video portal design was vast and versatile as client requested the final product to correspond to a wide row of requirements. It had to be stylish, modern looking, intuitive and possess positive user experience.

During the first phase of our work on this project we have conducted thorough market research, detailed competitive analysis and in-depth UX analysis to decide on the main trends and the direction of the portal’s design. After the first phase was over our team created product’s prototype, which was approved by the client and used as a basis for website’s design, social profiles’ design, subscription sections and payment pages. During the entire length of our work on the project we accomplished design of the video player, icon and logo design, illustration and HTML\CSS coding.

Our finished product corresponded to all of the client’s requirements: it is striking, intuitive, multifunctional and provides positive user experience. It is a service for people, who immigrated to other countries, but still want to watch their favorite channels, movies or TV series. It can be considered a nostalgic escape for all those who miss the countries they were born in, but can’t live there in the light of certain negative circumstances. The design of the product is accomplished in such manner, that it is easily navigable even for elderly people, which is why it is aimed at users of all age groups.

Ak-Service – Supplier of In-Flight Products – Turnkey Website Design

Turnkey Website Design for Ak-Service – Supplier of In-Flight  Products

Turnkey Website Design of corporate website for major manufacturer of on-board accessories for traveling in planes, trains and buses in CIS-countries. Client requested a turnkey website with intuitive user interface and a wide row of features. Considering the nature of this business, website needed to be modern-looking, user-friendly and intuitive, comprehensive enough for users of all age groups.

Our work on the turnkey website design started with thorough market research and detailed competitive analysis in order to determine the direction of the website’s design, alongside with features that are essential for the business of this nature. After we collected the data, we created a prototype of the future website, which was approved by the client. The next step was the development of website’s design as well as the development of its mobile version. Mobile version of the website was necessary because it provides scalability. It is a vital feature in the modern world that allows expanding the reach of your business across multiple platforms and devices, such as mobile phones, tablets and so on. During the work on our project we accomplished such tasks as icon design, infographics, graphic design, work in WordPress and HTML\CSS coding. Taking into account that the project was turnkey we were also tasked with its promotion, which is why we’ve accomplished full SEO analysis, outlining main keywords for the website promotion. We also provided its hosting.

As a result of our work on this turnkey website design, our client received a striking and modern looking turnkey scalable website with positive user experience and multitude of useful features that made this website easy to use for any category of end users. Client remained fully satisfied with the accomplished turnkey website design as it corresponded to all of his needs.